Tuesday, June 26, 2007

S$10 watch

Just now a partially blind Indian man came to ring my bell
He showed me some licensing thingy
And said that they are not allowed to ask for donations
So he wondered if I would buy a watch from him so he can make a few dollars from it
He said people like him are working for the money so hope that we could help

He said it so nicely
I felt obliged
I could not bring myself to tell him I don't need another watch
Besides, these plastic watches spoil easily
You'll 偷笑if they last for 3 days

I was having dinner half way
But this guy was going door-to-door making his 'sales'
I just couldn't turn him away

So I picked one which has a sports motif
It's 10 bucks
The man seemed happy

I cannot take a proper picture of the watch
because the face reflects light
So I cannot show it to you
the strap is sort of transparent with the design of a basketball, rugby ball, softball, golf ball, shuttlecock and football silkscreened on it

It's quite nice lah

I'm wondering if I should give it to an ex-student
I mean she is an alumnus
But I have not taught her before
She has come back to help us do some things...

She was telling me the other day about her S$6 watch
which stopped on 1May (Labour Day)
and started to function again the next day
weird pink watch she has there haha

Shall I give it to her?
Or shall I keep it just for fun?

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