Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Veil

I saw a young Malay couple today. They were about 18 years old. The girl was quite pretty - big eyes, good complexion, slim. What strikes me was: she was wearing a veil. I believe it is called a Tudong in Malay. But when it is called a veil, doesn't it make you feel funny that a young 18-year-old Singaporean girl chooses to veil herself? I was thinking about the meaning of the veil to her, and to her boyfriend. Does her boyfriend feel happy that she wears the veil? (Remember that they are only 18 - when all that a 18 year old knows is clubbing, anime, gaming and the likes, most of the time). Does he prefer her to wear the veil when they go out? Does he require her to be submissive to him? Is he proud that his girlfriend is veiled?

Just wondering...

A famous painting of a woman
in veil, from the catacomb of
Priscilla, 2nd or 3rd century C.E.


Anonymous said...

Got pic??

tehjarvu said...

no leh turbie, i dunno how to ambush ppl to take their pics... wait they beat me up :)